Having a lunch


My Honey & bunnies 

The day we sorrowed for the loss of the father of my friend as uncle. Definitely I am not good at comforting. 

"There are no words to fully describe the impact that a father (or even a father-in-law or father figure) has on the lives of their sons or daughters.

For some, fathers are heroes who provide and protect, while others see their dear old dad as the one who has truly guided them, from childhood throughout adulthood. That's exactly why—no matter how old we are—we may never truly get over the loss of a father, whether he passed after a long life or much too soon."

Meanwhile, the children are fulfilling their hunger in our car and they are so cute actually. Their smiles, honesty, simplicity are honorable and adorable. Yes, of course, as a father I am hard working in smart way to be statue of the heroes in their mind. 

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